What should I do if I forgot my password?

Forgot password only applies to Sign in by email. If your Maby account is email, please follow these steps:

Step 1: Go to Maby Sign in, select Email, enter your email account, and press Next.


Step 2: Select Forget Password.


Step 3: Enter the Sign-in email, and Select OK.

Step 4: A box to enter the Verification Code will appear, and the Verification Code will be sent to your Sign-in email address.

After getting the verification code in the mailbox, enter the verification code in the empty box and select OK.


Step 5: Enter New Password, select OK.


Sign in again with your new password to access your account on Maby.

1. Your Maby Sign-in password needs:
– Minimum 6 characters
– In 6 characters, including numbers, lowercase letters, and special characters

2. Including numbers and special characters (e.g., @ # $ % ^ & *) in your Sign-in Password is recommended to enhance the security of your Maby account.

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Forgot password only applies to the Maby account registered by email, to get the password please follow these steps:

Step 1: Go to Maby Login/Register, tap Email Address, enter your email account then tap Next.

Step 2: Tap Forgot Password.

Step 3: Enter login email, tap OK.

Step 4: A box to enter the Verification Code will appear, and now the Verification Code will be sent to the login email address.

After getting the verification code in the mailbox, enter the verification code in the empty box and tap Confirm.

Step 5: Enter New Password and Re-password, tap OK.

Sign in again with your new password to access your account on Maby.

Your Maby login password needs:
– Minimum 6 characters
– In 6 characters including numbers, lowercase letters, and special characters
It is recommended to include numbers and special characters (e.g. @ # $ % ^ & *) in your Login Password to enhance the security of your Maby account.